Thursday 21 November 2019

Organizing Your Electronics

Owning your own home entertainment system can feel like one of the greatest things ever. Whether you look at it as an accomplishment, a rite of passage as a technophile, or simply as a convenience in your home, it’s a great feeling to see it all come together eventually. Black Friday deals really help to flesh out your collection.

Since a lot of us like to splurge when we’re going through this process, it’s worth noting that it’s an interesting characteristic for a lot of people to not take care of their entire electronic setup. I don’t mean that they’re mistreating their TV or gaming consoles. Rather, they don’t keep up on dusting and keeping their tech clean and free from things that may cause overheating.

Another thing everyone knows when it comes to these electronic masterpieces is how crossed and tangled cords and plugins can become. When everything is in a state of disarray, it only becomes worse if you don’t get it all organized from the get go. Because of this, we’ve got a few quick tips on taming the beast that is home entertainment system hookups. It honestly takes much less time than you’d imagine, especially when you consider how much time you probably waste untangling cords all the time.

Make use of extension cords.
We don’t mean to go crazy with these, as you’ll end up causing an electrical short. Just be sure to keep extensions resting in dedicated housing spaces within your home entertainment system and off the floor (and preferably out of sight). I keep a few cheap moving boxes full of extension cords around in case one goes out or I need more than one or two in any scenario where I have lots of buddies over.

Keep your cords bound.
This is one of the most important and useful tips I can give when it comes to organizing your home entertainment system. If you have any electrical tape laying around, it works perfectly for binding your cords in a neat and clean fashion, and you’ll never have to worry about them becoming tangled again. Just like the extension cords noted above, I have all sorts of shipping supplies like packing tape (and extra electrical tape) pooled together in a couple of cheap moving boxes in storage. I never know when I’ll need more, especially when I change up my layout or get some new tech around the holidays.

Gifting Someone a Genuine Gift

The art of choosing a gift for someone, making sure the presentation is amazing, and giving it to them can be a tough thing to master. But thanks to our culture’s obsession with gift giving at the end of every year, as well as birthdays, you should learn from year to year how to perfect the entire process.

The problem is, some people remain lazy and don’t want to perfect the process, and so they continue to give subpar gifts. These people, in my opinion, should just opt out of giving anything in the first place. At least that’s more genuine of an experience and a real reason.

Still, gift giving is one of those things a lot of people get anxious about or worry if they’re giving a subpar gift when it’s usually not. The thing is, the whole concept is supposed to be a process that makes you feel good, not bad or anxious.

So, we advise you take these three tips into account if you want to avoid giving someone a meh gift and surprise the socks off of them instead. Read along and take into account number 3 in particular!

Make sure the gift is personal and unique.
First off, you can make a gift a simple gift card. People don’t mind that and honestly prefer it sometimes. The problem arises when you get a gift card for someone to a place they hardly ever shop or eat at. So, if you’re going to go this route, make sure you’re certain that they frequent whatever business you’re buying a gift card for them. Otherwise, go with a more genuine gift!

Be certain the wrapping is clean and uniform.
I can’t stress this one enough. If you happen to opt for a gift bag, at least take the time to get nice tissue paper as filler.You want to show you gave enough time for preparing the gift. It’s generally better to wrap your gifts in boxes, such as cheap moving boxes. That’s my advice, at least. Ultimately, you don’t have to have a box, but it can be more fun for someone to rip open a box since it seems better presented than gift bags, typically. However, if you don’t have any cheap moving boxes laying around, don’t fret. Just make sure you focus on your gift bag and make it look better than as if it were bought straight from the store and had an item shoved in.